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Our Random Acts of Kindness Campaign – James Support Group πŸ’™

This year, we are excited to have launched our Random Acts of Kindness Campaign, with the aim to deepen connections within our community ✨

We started by donating to local charities and organisations that are personal to our team. We have since opened it up for our customers to nominate a charity of their choice that they feel deserves a treat.

One of our customers nominated James Support Group. This admirable charity offers support for all affected by suicide & those who suffer suicidal thoughts.

Here is what they say:

“Whether you are a mum, dad, husband, wife or partner, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, granny, grandad, friend or colleague we are here to help you.

This group was formed because we – the family and friends of James have struggled to find any meaningful help here in the Highlands – even though the Highlands has the highest suicide rate in the UK.

James Mullery was just 28 years old when his issues got too much for him, and he decided there and then to take his own life. It’s hard to believe, but he left three children behind, 5 years, 2 years, and only 10 weeks old. He also left behind his partner and all of his family and friends.

We are not counsellors, just a family stricken by grief who are prepared to help others in the same situation. We have taken it upon ourselves to attend various training events & information sessions, and actively network with other groups & organisations for the common good.Β Since becoming a registered charity in October 2020, we are now able to expand our support service to cover The Scottish Highlands, where we provide monthly support groups, break out personal sessions as required, a 24/7 Helpline & various other support events throughout the year.”

To get support, give support or read more about their amazing work, visit their website here –

A big thank you / diolch to all at James Support Group – we hope your team enjoy the skincare goodies πŸ’™

If there’s a small but mighty charity you’d like to nominate, please email with β€œRandom Acts of Kindness” in the subject line.

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