The Kefir Solution: Natural healing for IBS, Depression and Anxiety

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is the most common gastrointestinal disorder in the world. People with IBS are prescribed more medications, miss more work days, have lower work productivity and higher suicide rates than people without it. Yet the causes are still unknown, and there is no cure. Or rather – there was no cure, until now.

Cutting-edge scientific research has found that IBS is nearly always connected to anxiety and depression through something called the gut-brain axis. Heal the gut and you can heal the brain – and vice versa.

Enter The Kefir Solution. Developed by Shann Nix Jones, it uses kefir, a powerful natural probiotic to support your microbiome and help heal IBS without the use of chemicals. It has no nasty side effects but loads of health benefits – including alleviating the anxiety and depression that often go hand in hand with IBS. Combining common sense with uncommon science, Shann shares stories, tips and recipes to help you on your way to better gut health and a happier life.

If you suffer from IBS, or know someone who does, and it’s taken hold of your life, this book could lead you back to health and freedom.

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We've helped more than 80,000 happy customers!

Excellent book , an easy read ,but imparting valuable information which convinces the reader of the need to treat the gut with respect...
~ Kaye Emerson

After re-reading 'The Kefir Solution' I've subscribed to a few courses of delicious creamy, tangy goats milk kefir...
~ Lewis Craig

Best kefir product on the market with purest ingredients... the only one for us
~ Julie

Fascinating & informative
~ Hope Price

Fascinating book, very informative & has increased my motivation to change!
~ Mark Newbold

This totally delicious kefir that has definitely helped my digestion...
~ Jackie Wynne

Fascinating story and includes scientific references that you can trust. I like the recipe ideas also...
~ Judith Bunting

Chuckling goat are professional, knowledgeable and reliable...
~ Susan Stokes

I am reaping the benefits of regular kefir from chuckling goat. Love it!
~ Mrs Jackie Williams