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I shroom, You shroom, We all shroom for mushrooms…

So – mushrooms.

Not super keen. Mushrooms sometimes slimy. Also think they are – just a bit – weird.


Daughter no. 3 – named Sophia Goard – is qualified medical herbalist. Very strong-minded. Not concerned by sliminess. Suggested I read book Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World by Paul Stamet. He is Mushroom Guy and Knows All There Is To Know About Mushrooms.

Now — cannot lie. Did not read all of book. Is BIG book. But read enough to get jist: mushrooms v. cool. Should not be prejudiced against them.

Apparently there is vast network of underground stuff called mycelium, which is vegetative part of fungi. Connecting things up. Similar to neural network. Plants can talk to each other through it. Pass information. Essential for health of plants and soil. V. strange – like nature’s internet, creating pathways for communication and nutrient exchange between plants. Like brain. Gak. But also – v. interesting.

Mushroom are fruiting bits of mycelium that pop up. Digging disrupts mycelium, like giving earth lobotomy. Freaky. Note to self – do not dig garden in future. Do not wish to lobotomize soil. Also, am quite lazy and wish to save back. Win-win.

Mushroom Guy has invented “mycorestoration,” means fungi can fix horrible environmental problems like pollution, soil degradation and pest control. Mushrooms can eat plastic and oil spills. Can also filter water and control pest populations. Mushroom Guy has applied for many patents. V. clever man.

(Wonder to self – why not hearing more of this mycoremediation lark in news? If works so well? Why not using more to clean up oil spills etc? Feel that we know more than we use. Feel slightly depressed. What is point of knowing stuff, if not applying knowledge?)

Also in book – mushrooms v. good for human health. Not just little button mushrooms that go in soup, but fancy ones, Shitake, Reishi and so on. V. powerful. Can boost immune system, fight disease, support mental health, etc. Contain beta-glucans compounds that enhance immune system’s response to infections.

All v. impressive.

Look further into medicinal mushrooms. Lots of research available. Once know about it, feel slightly – lacking – that am not taking them. FOMO on mushrooms. Other people taking them, getting benefits, why not self? Surely deserve as much as anyone else.

Ask team: “Are you taking medicinal mushrooms?”

Yes, says team. We get mushroom powder, put into our coffee.

Now. Secretly HATE THIS. Why no one told me this? Everyone just privately taking mushrooms, putting into coffee, no one saying? Sneaky mushroom taking? HOGGING benefits? Feel cheated. Will never get back time not taking mushrooms. Everyone else ahead. Head start.

Also, mushroom powder good, because avoids sliminess issue.

Suddenly, want mushroom powder. Order, wait for it to arrive, pounce on box, rip open, put into coffee. Don’t mind taste. In fact – like it. Bit like bitter chocolate. Quite more-ish, actually. More more more! Use up quickly, ready to re-order.

But which TYPE of mushroom powder to buy now? Which variety best? Everyone has different opinion. Read up. Much controversy. Exhausting.

Cannot be ars&* with this confusion. Say to team: “We must make our own CG mushroom powder. Tired of having to buy from other people and being confused.”

Team says, “Which mushrooms you want in?”

Say, “ALL of them. Do NOT want to read in future that one mushroom does really cool thing, and not have it in our mix.”

Team says, “That is lot of mushrooms to put in. 13 of them that we can find.”

Say, “Do not care. Put them all in, so can be forever free of Mushroom FOMO.”

Team gave side-eye, but did this.

So now have Complete Mushroom Blend. 13 mushrooms.




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