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Free Virtual Gut Health Clinics

If you want answers to your gut health questions – this is for you!

First gut health clinic will be held Friday January 29th, 12 pm.

The second will be on February 5th @ 12 pm and the last on February 12th @ 12 pm. You may attend all of the events if you wish 🙂

Get the latest evidence-based information. It’s time to take control of your own wellness!

In this free series of clinics, gut health expert and best selling author Shann Nix Jones will explain how the gut microbiome works, and how you can improve your own gut health. Speak to her personally and have your questions answered, for a limited time.

Shann is also the co-founder of Chuckling Goat, #1 provider of Microbiome Tests in the UK.

Topics of interest can include IBS, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, anxiety, depression, arthritis, diabetes and obesity, as well as questions like these:

  • What is gut health?
  • Why is gut health important?
  • How does gut health affect my body?
  • Can gut health affect my skin? Weight loss? Anxiety? Sleep?
  • Can my microbiome make me sick?
  • What can a microbiome test tell me?
  • Why am I not seeing results?

Starting Friday, January 29th at 12pm on Zoom

Reserve your seat now. Enter your name and email address below to receive your Gut Health Clinic joining information.