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The Soft Girl Hiking trend: your gentle path to wellbeing

Forget intense workouts – have you heard about the viral Soft Girl Hiking trend that’s been taking social media by storm? Last year brought the rise of gentler fitness trends, including soft cardio and a personal favourite, soft girl hiking.

Soft hiking takes a more mindful approach to hiking. The focus is no longer on conquering epic trails but embracing the present moment. This trend makes hiking accessible to more people and varying fitness levels. It’s all about slowing down, taking in the beauty around you and enjoying the journey at your own pace.

A new way to hike

Even if you don’t see yourself as a hiker, this trend has shown that it’s possible to start off slowly. You probably already know we’re big fans of the start slowly approach at CG 😉 Go at your own pace! Enjoy the journey and be kind to yourself. Stop and snap some photos of the beautiful scenery around you.

And don’t be fooled by the name – soft hiking isn’t just for girls! It’s for anyone who loves a laid-back stroll and scenic views 😎.

Why a sedentary lifestyle can harm your health

It’s thought that early humans walked up to 12 miles a day exploring and finding food and shelter.1 is a big contrast to modern life today in Western cultures.

A sedentary lifestyle is associated with adverse health outcomes such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, type two diabetes, and cognitive conditions such as anxiety and mental fatigue.2 Studies show that walking daily may boost healthy aging,3 reduce the risk of early death,4 and deaths from cardiovascular disease.5 So perhaps it’s not a bad idea start!

The benefits of soft hiking

Getting started with soft hiking 🥾

  1. Start slow – Choose easier and smaller trails that lend themself to a gentle pace.
  2. Stay comfortable – Walking boots, layers and weather appropriate clothing are necessary.
  3. Pack the essentials – Bring water, snacks, a map and a phone. The Ordnance Survey app is very useful!
  4. Be present – Focus on the sights, sounds and smells around you – use this opportunity to disconnect from daily stresses.
  5. Take your time – There’s no rush, enjoy a picnic or snap some photos.
  6. Invite friends or join a group – you don’t have to soft hike alone!

Soft girl hiking is more than a trend; it’s a gentle, mindful way to improve your health and wellbeing. By embracing this approach, you can enjoy the numerous physical and mental benefits of hiking without the pressure to perform. If this sounds like a way into movement for you, find a nearby route and start your journey to a healthier happier you.

For more benefits on keeping active, check out The magic of movement: 3 ways exercise boosts your gut health and immune system.

Any questions? Contact one of our Nutritional Therapists via live chat, weekdays from 8 am to 8 pm.


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