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Magic Garden Diaries: And the days grow short…

Monday 9 October 2023 

We’ve had one last unexpected flurry of warm weather! But the season is definitely turning now…

I love this time of year. There’s less flowery abundance in the garden (sometimes summer can feel a bit overwhelming!), and I find myself looking more closely and appreciating things in more detail. There are still lots of lovely things to notice, some made more poignant by the slight tracing of decay.

Timeless Purple roses are still zipping spots of colour into the triangle beds in the Compass Garden, although the lavender has been pruned back now…

And black-eyed Susans are romping up the hurdles, adding a nice autumnal splash of terra cotta – 

The combination of coral Lady of Shalott roses with the hot pink of Salvia microphylla ‘Wine and Roses’ continues to deliver its punch! This little salvia smells beautiful, keeps black spot off the roses and carries on flowering so late into the year – a real winner in my book.

My American Beauty honeysuckle is still storming along nicely – we planted it on our circular moon gates back in the spring, and it’s looking incredibly vivid! It hasn’t quite achieved the height I had in mind…I think maybe next year instead I’m going to try to train spooky gourds up over the gates instead, and have them grow hanging down through the spokes. It’s the thing I love most about gardening – the eternal optimism of planning for next year, when it may (finally? really?) all come together! 

Hugs from the ever-hopeful garden, 


For more anecdotes from the farm, check out In the Farmhouse Kitchen with Shann: DIY Rose Hip Cordial and Magic Garden Diaries: How Shann got her groove back…

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