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Fibre-rich bread for your gut!

Need a hand getting more fibre into your daily diet?

Well, look no further than this delicious crusty bread – full of fibre and gut-healthy goodness 🙂

The added prebiotic fibre, collagen, flaxseeds, and sesame seeds give it a powerful punch in terms of fibre, protein and gut-friendly nutrients!

Complete Prebiotic is a combination of 18 naturally-occurring prebiotic fibres designed to give your gut bugs the food they need to thrive.

Pure Fish Collagen will add some protein to your morning breakfast! For more information on the proven benefits of supplementing with collagen, read this article.

Ground flaxseeds (1 TBSP) provide 2 grams of fibre,1.3 grams of protein and 3 grams of healthy fats as well as numerous vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients.

Ingredients (makes a medium-sized loaf for use in a bread-maker)

  • 1.5 TSP fast-acting yeast

  • 1 1/2 TSP sugar

  • 25g of butter

  • 1 1/4 TSP salt

  • 320ml filtered water


Add the ingredients to your bread-maker pan (in the order listed above) and follow the instructions for your machine.

I use a ‘rapid bake’ setting for a medium-sized loaf which takes around 2 hours.

For a tasty spread, you could add nut butter or avocado and eggs.


Remember to drink plenty of water and other fluids alongside fibre to avoid constipation and if you are currently on a low-fibre diet, introduce fibre slowly to avoid digestive upset such as flatulence and bloating.

Before starting any new supplement, please check with your GP or pharmacist regarding any contraindications with your current medication or health conditions.

Any questions? Contact one of our Nutritional Therapists via live chat, we’re available on weekdays from 8am to 8pm.

Questions? Talk to a Nutritional Therapist on live chat!

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