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5 gut-healthy ways to ‘unprocess’ your diet

In an ideal world, we should steer clear of all ultra-processed foods to avoid the damage they do to our health.1 However, this is easier said than done as they have become a large part of the typical British diet.2

Ultra-processed foods are high in caloriessugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, and are typically low in essential nutrients like fibre, vitamins, and minerals.3 They have a negative effect on the gut microbiome and can contribute to a range of health issues including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.4 Read more in our article Ultra-processed foods – the ones to watch!.

Here are five simple swaps that can contribute to a healthier, more balanced diet without requiring drastic changes to your eating habits 😉

  1. Replace supermarket bread with homemade bread: Try this easy bread-maker recipe for a fibre-rich whole-grain loaf. It contains much more fibre and nutrients, providing fuel for good gut bacteria.
  2. Choose natural (ideally live) Greek yoghurt over flavoured yoghurt: Select plain, Greek yoghurt instead of flavoured yoghurts, which often contain added sugars and unnecessary ingredients. You can add natural sweetness with fresh fruit or a drizzle of honey.
  3. Make your own smoothies instead of ready-made shop-bought ones. Smoothies also contain fibre, which slows down the absorption of sugars and provides additional gut health benefits. Here are our recommended gut-healthy smoothies for you to try.
  4. Make your own salad dressing: Create a homemade salad dressing using olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice such as this Antioxidant French dressing.
  5. Choose your snacks wisely: Instead of processed snacks, have some of El’s gut-healthy snacks pre-prepared for when you’re on the move and want to avoid packaged shop-bought snacks – see recipes here: How can you make your snacks gut-healthy?

Check out 5 ways to detox naturally this New Year. For easy, gut-healthy recipes, take a look at the recipes section of the Gut Health Express blog!

Questions? Feel free to contact us on live chat (weekdays from 8 am to 8 pm) to speak to one of our nutritional therapists.


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