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Natural DIY cleaning spray to safeguard your home

If you’re looking to reduce the number of chemicals you use around the home, then this might be the perfect alternative to your usual cleaning spray!

Here at Chuckling Goat, we focus on supporting good gut health so reducing your exposure to pollutants and toxins is a good place to start1

The good news is that improving your gut microbiome can help to clear these toxic compounds2– read more on how the Chuckling Goat protocol can help to increase the growth of good gut bugs. Try our gut-brain health smoothie and gut-healthy diet!

Ways that environmental chemicals can harm your gut:

So, if you don’t like using strong cleaning products and want to try a more natural approach, give this easy-to-make, gorgeously scented cleaning spray a go!



Rinse out an empty spray bottle and add the ingredients, giving it a gentle shake.

You can use it on countertops, sinks, windows, and bathrooms, and there’s no need to rinse 🙂

For further guidance on living a more natural life, check out How to read your beauty product labels like a pro, Is leaky gut a thing?, and Rewild your gut!.

Any questions? Contact one of our Nutritional Therapists via live chat, weekdays from 8 am to 8 pm.


Questions? Talk to a Nutritional Therapist on live chat!

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