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Which type of “milk” is right for you? Let’s compare!

If you’ve swapped your cow’s milk for goats milk or a plant-based alternative recently, you’re not alone! Research shows that 1 in 3 Brits now drink plant-based milk1

But how do different types of milk stack up? Are plant-based ‘milks’ a suitable nutritional replacement for traditional dairy milk?  In honour of world milk day, let’s take a look!

Why do we drink milk?

Milk is packed full of nutrients and has been a household staple for generations across the western world2  The benefits of (dairy) milk consumption for your health have been – and still are – widely researched and promoted. Milk contains a variety of nutrients that can help support your health and reduce your risk of common nutrient deficiencies3 from protein and fat to vitamin B12, B2, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, iodine and more4 Your choice of milk type might be influenced by health reasons, ethics, diet or plain old personal preference – nowadays there is a milk for everyone.

Let’s compare!

Below you’ll find a table comparing the nutrient composition of 100ml of goat5, cow6, almond7, soy8, coconut9 and oat milk10

Goat (whole)Cow (whole)AlmondSoyCoconutOat
of which saturates2.4g2.4g0.1g0.3g1g0.3g
of which sugars4.3g4.7g2.4g2.5g4.1g4.1g

* These milks are fortified with calcium.

As you can see, the nutrient profiles differ greatly. Of course, variations will occur between brands, so do have a look next time you’re in the supermarket.

Dairy milk provides the most energy and fat, while coconut and oat milks provide more carbohydrates. All four plant-based milks provide a little bit of fibre, while goat, cow and soy milks provide more protein.

Dairy milks are also a great source of other nutrients such as phosphorous, potassium, iodine, vitamin A and magnesium11, while plant-based alternatives often are not. That being said, many plant-based milks these days are fortified with calcium and vitamin B12 – (nutrients typically found in dairy) as well as vitamin D.  Research also shows that emulsifiers, which we often find in plant-based milk to increase shelf-life, can have negative effects on your gut bacteria12, so if you can – make your own plant-based milk at home to avoid the additives.

So, which one should I go for?

All milks have their pros and cons. Nutritionally speaking, plant-based milks are not a like-for-like replacement for dairy milk. They can be a great addition however; adding alternative kinds of milk into your diet is a great way of increasing flavour and diversity.

As you know, we’re a fan of goats’ milk here at Chuckling Goat, and it forms the base of our Kefir! Goat milk is nutrient-rich and has hypoallergenic properties due to the A2 casein content, making it less inflammatory than cow milk13 You can read more here about 7 reasons why you should be eating goat dairy rather than cow dairy, and 5 health benefits of goat milk.

Take away messages

  • Plant-based milks are not like-for-like nutritional replacements for dairy milk
  • Emulsifiers added to plant-based milks can have a negative effect on your gut – make your own if possible!
  • Goats milk is less inflammatory than cow’s milk


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