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Ch – ch- ch- changes….

So – changes. Personally, like them. Changes keep from getting bored. Am V. V. easily bored, boredom is nightmare dire worst thing! So mostly feel that all changes good.

Like to shake things up. Good for innovation-style business, where are constantly laying train tracks underneath train – as train is moving! V. risky. But also – keeps things interesting. Rich finds this annoying, as am constantly changing mind. Can understand his point. However – still do it. Rich v. patient man.

Started business ten years ago with kefir, no money – you already know this probably, blah blah blah. If not, catch up on CG Origin story here.

Basically, kefir v. powerful, so accomplished lots of good health things. (Actually – yesterday had meeting with scientists from Nottingham U. Have finished control clinical trials with kefir + prebiotic. SO EXCITED with results, couldn’t sleep last night. So stupid. Laying there like child on Xmas eve, staring up at ceiling. Knew would be whacked today. Felt ridiculous. Total waste of sleeping time. Can’t WAIT to share cool results. First scientists have to publish paper, do press release. But will share soonest.)


Started off with kefir. And lotions. Was focussed on clearing skin conditions. Loads of clients getting in touch, saying “But Shann, while taking kefir for skin condition, I have also experienced huge changes in mood! Why?”

Didn’t know. Feel bit annoyed, tbh. Concentrating on skin!

More clients, ringing, knocking on door: “Shann, this has also helped my IBS! Why?”

DON’T KNOW. As discussed, focus is skin. Working, here! Please leave alone. Look up yourself. What am I, Aunty Google?

Clients will not stop getting in touch, asking why changes in IBS and mood.

Sigh. Give up. Ok. Fine. Will research. Why is kefir so good for IBS and mood?

Did research, was amazed at what found. Connection between gut and brain = kefir improves mood. Probiotics restore gut health, get rid of IBS. All connected. Shazam!

Felt sorry had been so dismissive. Wrote book to make it up to clients. The Kefir Solution: Natural Healing for IBS, Depression and Anxiety.

Book became Amazon bestseller. Pleased. (Ok, honestly, more than pleased. ECSTATIC. But you know how these things are. Never turn out the way you expect, before experiencing. Book climbs Amazon list in appropriate category – in this case, Wellness. Peaks at number one. Yay!! V. excited. Then book begins to fall back down the list. Soon, completely over. Did it even happen? Surreal. Thought might get a badge from Amazon. But nothing – not even gift certificate. Disappointing. )

But found enjoyed researching science. In fact fell in love with science. Then saw Microbiome Test. LOVED test. Loved having evidence-based answers, no longer having to guess what wrong with clients. Now can test. Science lush! V. impactful. Decided must make own test.

Luckily, did not realise this was TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE.

Contacted Cambridge University to help us make microbiome test, because — why not? When went to sell soaps, went straight to Fortnum & Mason. Am American, don’t know that many UK places. So start at top. Cambridge said Yes, will work with you. Best scientists in world! Hurray!

Spent next two and half years and a load of money developing CG Microbiome Test. Felt sick at amount of money spent. No grants, no loans – all money we earned from selling soap and kefir, one pound at time. So. Much. Money. Afraid Rich would divorce me.

Luckily, Rich did not divorce. V. Forgiving man. Test completed. Launched January 2024.

Developed Complete Prebiotic, from info learned from tests. Then started selling collagen, because learned from test it was needed. Then added other products – tinctures, teas etc. All to deal with symptoms while clients were doing real work of improving gut health, because gut health journey can be slooooow. Good news of improving gut health is no harsh chemicals, no negative side effects. Challenge is – because you’re actually growing flora and fauna inside, takes time. Like gardening or farming. People impatient. Understand this, as am the same! However, it is what it is. Requires discipline. Patience. Gak.

Each new product got “science-y” labels – hexagons, look bit like bee hive shapes and bit like crystal molecules. Kefir still has old-fashioned goat labels. Personally, adore goat label. Friendly. Familiar. But also – kefir is now looking increasingly out of step with other products that have grown up around it.

Now – finally time to change kefir labels, to match other products. All products fit together, into one Gut Health Protocol. Came together one bit at a time. Organic growth – sometimes messy. But got there in end.

Will learn to love new labels. Everything changes. So, long, loooong story short – new kefir labels – coming soon to a bottle near you!



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